Teaching Philiosophy
I was a horrible student during high school. After enrolling in a university, I fell in love with the learning environment and never shied away from difficult classes. I started studying electrical engineering and then switched to economics. I earned excellent marks and learned complicated ideas in economics, engineering, mathematics, and Russian. I was lucky to be taught by several gifted professors. I held these professors in high regards and tried to emulate them. Subsequently, I became an educator who encourages my students to pursue and gain knowledge, learn new ideas, and expand students’ minds.
I believe if I must exert effort, I must do my best, given the circumstances and limitations. I strive to transcend being the typical lecturer who stands at the front of the classroom and dictates knowledge. Learning requires the teacher and the students interact with each other. We share a mutual learning experience in a moment of time. Thus, I continually improve my teaching and incorporate modern teaching techniques. As an educator, I am preparing the students for the real world.
I teach economics and finance course. My favorite classes include Money & Banking, International Finance, and Statistics.
I use several methods to facilitate learning.
I reserve the traditional chalk and talk for complicated graphs and mathematics. Itis hard to explore complicated mathematics and graphics using PowerPoint because students may have trouble following along as the professors whiz through the slides in class.
I use presentations for lectures where the class and I discuss basic knowledge that includes definitions, ideas, and characteristics.
I utilize visual aids to enhance the classroom learning experience. I play audio and video clips that cover or expound on a topic or theme in a classroom.
I use frequent quizzes to encourage students to learn complicated ideas or concepts. That way, they learn complex ideas in small steps instead of a cram session the night before the exam. Moreover, I grade and return all exams, quizzes, homework, and essays within one week after the students completed the task. That way, students can learn from the rapid feedback.
I keep improving my teaching and explore new teaching techniques. I am interested in using flipped strategies, social media, and on-line consultation to enhance the learning experience. For example, I created a Facebook page, where students can discuss questions from the class.